Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Ulla-Carin Lindquist: A Case Study Take Away

Lauren Newman did a fantastic job on presenting to the small group about a woman named Ulla-Carin Lindquist who was diagnosed with ALS at the age of 49. She passed away just a year later at the age of 50. Ulla-Carin was a news anchor is Sweden. She also had other roles such as being a mother, wife, journalist, writer, and a friend to many. Ulla-Carin did not live long with her diagnosis, but in that short time left she made the most of her life by writing a book describing her struggles and challenges in which she had to overcome. She went into detail about the disease and the different ways it affected her body. Ulla-Carin also had to overcome barriers to write her book by using an assistive technology computer where she used the movements of her nose and a webcam to operate the computer. She successfully finished her book and then passed away 3 months later. Lauren suggested excellent goals for Ulla-Carin that the OT should aim for. She also pointed out different interventions OTs could have used and various modifications that could have been made to the home. Overall, this was a very interesting and informative presentation on a strong woman facing such drastic changes to her life so quickly.

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