Friday, April 28, 2017

The Exciting Process of an Activity Analysis

This past week in our Foundations of Occupation Centered Practice course we got the chance of completing our first activity analysis, and then sharing those with some of our classmates. Honestly when I first began this assignment, I was overwhelmed and worried about the extensiveness that it appeared to be. However once I got more into the assignment, I really started understanding the importance and relevance this assignment had to practicing occupational therapy. Sure we can listen all day in class and hear how important something may pertain to us but in reality it isn't until we actually put it into practice that it truly clicks or at least for me that is how it is. So I really did enjoy this assignment and learning about all the little details and requirements even the simplest of activities requires. The assignment really opened my eyes to see the details and my mind to think more about the components of all activities of daily living. Another big plus in this assignment was getting to share with a few people in our class. This was a wonderful experience just to see what others chose as their activity and having them share their views on the activity while we participated in whatever they may have chosen as their topic. Overall, I had so much fun doing this and a part of me wishes we could do it more often!

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