Monday, April 24, 2017

A Take-away From the Chucky Mullins Case Study Report- OT 537

Chucky Mullins was a 20 year old young man who suffered from a spinal cord injury in October 1988 as a result of a football incident. Our classmate, Annese, did a wonderful job at presenting us the information about Chucky and his situation. Some important ideas and thoughts I took away from this presentation include different treatment ideas for Chucky. We also discussed different ways we could modify his environment to help him get back into his life as a college student. Chucky's main goal after this injury was to earn a college degree, and he also wished to maintain a constant interaction with his peers/friends. There were different techniques discussed and even the possibility of utilizing devices to encourage his success in school and relationships.

Overall, I learned more about how a spinal cord injury can truly change someone's life completely in an instant. I learned how critical it was as an occupational therapist to focus on helping Chucky regain his independence and live life to the fullest since he was only 20 years old at the time of the injury. I found the presentation very informative and helpful in encouraging us as individuals to think creatively and then merging our ideas together as a group to form even greater ideas for effective ways to get Chucky where he wants to be in life.


  1. Great post, Alicia! I agree that it is important that as OTs we focus on allowing the client to participate in meaningful activities and live life to the best of their ability.
